Syllabus - MBBS
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- Syllabus - MBBS
1st Semester
Embryology, Health, and Social Systems, Medical Genetics Histology, Clinical and Professional Skills I, Medical English I/Georgian I, Electives, German Language I.
2nd Semester
Anatomy Physiology, Cardiovascular and Respiratory Systems, Genetics, Molecular Biology, Medical Genetics, Histology, Embryology, Clinical and Professional Skills II, Scientific Reasoning, Medical English II/Russian II, Electives, German Language II.
3rd Semester
Gene, cell and tissue, Body system III, Electives, Medicine and society I, Digestive system, Imaging, Hematology anatomy, Physiology, Professional and clinical skills, Embryology, Biophysics, Histology, Biochemistry, Immunology, Introduction to public health, Cancer biology, Advanced Georgian language I, and Enzymology.
4th Semester
Introduction to public health, Body system IV, Scientific Reasoning II, Medicine and society II, Professional and clinical skills IV, Imaging, Gene, cell and tissue IV, Endocrine, Renals and reproductive system anatomy, Physiology, Immunology, Electives, microbiology, Advanced Georgian language II, and Nanomedicine philosophy.
5th Semester
Introduction to Clinical Diagnostics I Physical Diagnosis, Brain Mind and Behavior Neuroanatomy Neurophysiology Imaging Behavioral Medicine, Basis of Disease and Treatment I Basic Pathology Basic Pharmacology, Clinical and Professional Skills V Clinical reasoning.
6th Semester
Introduction to Clinical Diagnostics II Physical Diagnosis Clinical Skills, Basis of Disease and Treatment II Basic Pathology Basic Pharmacology, Medicine and Society III, Clinical and Professional Skills V Clinical reasoning Clinical and Professional Skills VI Clinical reasoning Professional skills, Scientific Reasoning III, Electives Pain Management Medical Management.
7th Semester
Surgery clerkship I, Internal medicine clerkship I, Gyn clerkship, Nephrology, Professional and clinical skills VII, Cardiology, Pediatrics clerkship, Synthetic biology (elective sub), General Surgery, Pulmonology, Urology, and Systems biology (elective sub).
8th Semester
Surgery clerkship II, Scientific Reasoning IV, Clinical radiology, Internal medicine clerkship II, Laboratory Medicine (elective sub), Medicine and society IV, Clinical nutrition (elective sub), Family medicine clerkship, Gastroenterology, IN outpatient primary care, Endocrinology and metabolic disorders, and Hepatology.
9th Semester
Internal Medicine Clerkship III Rheumatology Clinical Immunology Dermatology, Surgery Clerkship III ENT Ophthalmology Stomatology, Emergency Medicine and Intensive Care Clerkship I, Infectious Diseases Clerkship, Clinical Microbiology, Immunology of Communicable Diseases, Clinical and Professional Skills VIII
10th Semester
Internal Medicine Clerkship IV Oncology Hematology Clinical Genetics, Neurology Clerkship Psychiatry Neurology, Family Medicine Clerkship II, Rehabilitation Medicine Clerkship, Forensic Medicine and Medical Toxicology, Clinical and Professional Skills IX, Allergy Medicine (elective) Clinical Psychology (elective)
11th Semester
Obstetrics/Gynecology clerkship II, Health communication, Precision medicine (elective sub), Medical leadership, Geriatrics and Palliative care clerkship, clinical technologies (elective sub), family medicine clerkship II, Clinical and professional skills
12th Semester
Clinical and professional skills XI, Surgery clerkship IV, Infectious diseases clerkship II, Sexual medicine (elective sub), Emergency medicine and Intensive care clerkship II, Internal medicine clerkship V, Pediatrics clerkship II, Internal medicine Clinical pharmacology.